Monday, 18 February 2013


Although this is a new blog i'm really bad at beginnings so i'll just start as though i've been going for ages. so this week it's finally half term! (although i have to go into school on 3 of the days but whatevs.)
On Saturday i was working all day and then babysitting in the evening. All fine and dandy until the parents walked in on me fast asleep on the sofa... twas not my finest moment.
Anyhoo on Sunday I decided to recover with a combo of culture and retail therapy. I went to the national gallery in Trafalgar square and bought myself some badass postcards for my art project on religion:
(btw i'm not religious but i think all the renaissance art is so gorgeous)

I also took some pictures, for the people power/protest section of my art project, of these people protesting about the political oppression in Kurdistan :

I then hopped it over to Oxford street and indulged in some shopping. i bought: a black top from monki for £3! some vintage jeans from beyond retro and an acid wash denim shirt, also from beyond retro. 

The jeans and top aren't that exciting but they are just fab staples and i've been needing some jeans for tooo long. also my camera ran out of power before i could take a picture with the shirt..

I also went to topshop, where I got a free makeover. I don't wear loads of make-up usually and I emerged feeling a bit like a drag queen but it was free so I couldn't say no. While I was there I also picked up a [free] badge and went in the [free] photobooth with ma buddy moll

ahh i love free stuff.

au revoir 

this week i've been grooving to: i am the walrus, the beatles